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Increasing segmentation is key to improving reliability metrics. This involves adding more protection devices to a feeder to lessen the number of customers in each line segment and reduce the scope of outages.

No matter how many devices you are looking to install, the unique capabilities of S&C’s IntelliRupter® PulseCloser Fault Interrupter enable you to segment your lines further, even alongside existing assets.

Coordinated Segmentation

Because conventional reclosers have imprecise time and current tolerances, a limited number can be installed on a feeder before coordination reaches capacity. The IntelliRupter fault interrupter’s highly accurate sensing results in “skinny” time-current characteristic curves, so more devices can be coordinated on a feeder without custom logic, ultimately improving reliability. Watch this video to learn more.

Unlimited Segmentation

If you have reliability goals or if your customer base is growing, you may want to segment lines beyond what coordination can achieve. The IntelliRupter fault interrupter’s PulseFinding™ Fault Location Technique eliminates coordination and lets you achieve unlimited segmentation.

Through use of this technique, IntelliRupter fault interrupters share protection curves with each other or existing reclosers. When a fault occurs, the devices “hunt” it down and isolate it. This gives you the flexibility to install a virtually unlimited number of IntelliRupter fault interrupters, even alongside existing reclosers. Watch this video to learn more.

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