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  • 施恩禧的所有交易必须坚守绝对诚信原则。


  • 施恩禧力求达到工作场所安全的最高标准。
  • 施恩禧的文化是在我们多元化的员工中提倡信任、合作精神、尊严和尊重。
  • 施恩禧选择可以长期合作的供应商,并帮助那些支持我们继续提高的供应商。所有关系均基于质量、可靠性、诚信和互惠互利结果而建立。


  • 施恩禧不断通过学习、出谋划策和求变来提高我们的服务及服务方式。


  • 施恩禧致力于私人所有制企业的长远规划,并将大部分盈利重新投入企业。
  • 施恩禧致力于减少生产的产品和商业活动对环境的影响,提高可再生能源的利用。
  • 施恩禧维护与我们工作所在社区建立的密切且相互支持的关系。
Workers wearing protective glasses looking up and smiling

Our Purpose

Empowering people to transform the grid.

Our Vision

Together we create an outage-free, sustainable electrical energy future.

Three S&C Team Members Smiling
S&C team members bumping fists

Our Mission

Build upon our legacy of caring for team members, excellence in customer service and operations, and technology leadership to deliver innovative solutions for a safer, reliable, resilient electrical grid.

Our Values & Guiding Principles

Commitment to Excellence

  • We continuously improve what we do and how we do it by learning, contributing ideas, and initiating change.

Personal Integrity

  • All our dealings are bound by rock-solid integrity.

Respect for People

  • We strive to meet the highest standards for workplace safety.
  • Our culture promotes trust, teamwork, dignity, and respect within our diverse workforce.
  • We select suppliers for the long term and favor those that support our continuous improvement.
  • All relationships are based on quality, dependability, integrity, and mutually beneficial results.

Responsible Stewardship

  • We are dedicated to private ownership, planning for the long term, and reinvesting the majority of earnings back into the business.
  • We are committed to reducing the environmental impact of our products and business activities and enhancing the utilization of renewable energy sources.
  • We maintain strong and supportive relationships with the communities in which we work.